Dawn Gilbert
Frontier Communication

Karyn Son
LA Dept. of Water & Power

Steven S. Chang
East West Bank

Victor Parker
U.S. Small Business Administration
To be considered to serve on Asian Business Association (ABA) Advisory Council:
Be in good standing with yearly Corporate or Public Agency Dues
Sponsor at least 2 ABA events within 12 months (1 can be in-kind)
Representative must have access to Supplier Diversity department or corporate purchasing/procurement for their company
Council member can have one representative and two (2) alternates on the council
At the discretion of the current ABA Board of Directors, acceptance or review of the Advisory Council member can be made by simply majority vote.
Benefits on serving on the Advisory Council
Offer input to shape vision and direction for the Association
Share procurement opportunities with members
Share company initiatives & programs with ABA Board of Directors and members
Opportunity to list information and initiatives on ABA website or email blast
Opportunity to host Advisory Council meetings & membership meetings
Exclusive priority access to participate as sponsors
Company name, name and photo of Advisory Council primary representative listed on website
Company listing on website and letterhead